Robert F. Paulson, Ph.D.
- Professor of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Shortlidge Road
University Park, PA 16802
- Email
- Office 814-863-6306
Areas of Expertise
- Hematology
- Erythropoiesis
- Anemia Research
- Leukemia
- Postdoctoral training, Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada
- PhD, Biochemistry, University of California, San Francisco, CA
- BA, Biochemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Graduate Programs
- Molecular Cellular Integrative Biosciences (MCIBS)
- Integrative and Biomedical Physiology
Mechanisms that regulate tissue regeneration with a focus on understanding the response to anemic and hypoxic stress.
Work in the Paulson lab focuses on the mechanisms that regulate tissue regeneration. Throughout adult life, tissues become damaged and must be repaired or regenerated to maintain homeostasis. We focus on the maintenance of erythrocytes or red blood cells. Steady state erythropoiesis generates new erythrocytes at a constant rate of about 2.5 x 106/second. Despite this enormous capacity, there are times when this process cannot produce enough erythrocytes. For example, infection inhibits the ability of the bone marrow to generate erythrocytes. Similarly, in response to anemia the bone marrow production of erythrocytes is not sufficient to maintain normal blood levels. At these times stress erythropoiesis rapidly produces large numbers of erythrocytes to maintain homeostasis until the bone marrow can resume production. This process is a stem cell mediated process as hematopoietic stem cells directly generate stress erythroid progenitors. Furthermore, the signals that regulate this process are distinct from steady state erythropoiesis and are more associated with embryonic development than hematopoiesis suggesting that stress erythropoiesis is similar to other tissue regeneration processes.
The Impact of Sodium Selenite and Seleno-L-Methionine on Stress Erythropoiesis in a Murine Model of Hemolytic Anemia
Journal of Nutrition, Gong, Hangdi, Bai, Yuting, Rahoi, Dane, Paulson, Robert F., Prabhu, K. Sandeep, 2025
Developmental Vitamin D Deficiency and the Vitamin D Receptor Control Hematopoiesis
Journal of Immunology, Arora, Juhi, Froelich, Nicole E., Tang, Mengzhu, Weaver, Veronika, Paulson, Robert F., Cantorna, Margherita T., 2024
Acute Myeloid Leukemia Causes T Cell Exhaustion and Depletion in a Humanized Graft-versus-Leukemia Model
Journal of Immunology, Jia, Bei, Zhao, Chenchen, Minagawa, Kentaro, Shike, Hiroko, Claxton, David F., Ehmann, W. Christopher, Rybka, Witold B., Mineishi, Shin, Wang, Ming, Schell, Todd D., Prabhu, K. Sandeep, Paulson, Robert F., Zhang, Yi, Shultz, Leonard D., Zheng, Hong, 2023
Human TLR8 induces inflammatory bone marrow erythromyeloblastic islands and anemia in SLE-prone mice
Life Science Alliance, Maria, Naomi I., Papoin, Julien, Raparia, Chirag, Sun, Zeguo, Josselsohn, Rachel, Lu, Ailing, Katerji, Hani, Syeda, Mahrukh M., Polsky, David, Paulson, Robert, Kalfa, Theodosia, Barnes, Betsy J., Zhang, Weijia, Blanc, Lionel, Davidson, Anne, 2023
Activation of GPR44 decreases severity of myeloid leukemia via specific targeting of leukemia initiating stem cells
Cell Reports, Qian, Fenghua, Nettleford, Shaneice K., Zhou, Jiayan, Arner, Brooke E., Hall, Molly A., Sharma, Arati, Annageldiyev, Charyguly, Rossi, Randy M., Tukaramrao, Diwakar B., Sarkar, Deborpita, Hegde, Shailaja, Gandhi, Ujjawal H., Finch, Emily R., Goodfield, Laura, Quickel, Michael D., Claxton, David F., Paulson, Robert F., Prabhu, K. Sandeep, 2023
Metabolic regulation of stress erythropoiesis, outstanding questions, and possible paradigms
Frontiers in Physiology, Ruan, Baiye, Paulson, Robert F., 2023
Intra-Peritoneal Transplantation for Generating Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Mice
Journal of Visualized Experiments, Qian, Fenghua, Arner, Brooke E., Nettleford, Shaneice K., Paulson, Robert F., Prabhu, K. Sandeep, 2023
Interleukin-4 treatment reduces leukemia burden in acute myeloid leukemia
FASEB Journal, Qian, F, Arner, B, Kelly, Kathleen M., Annageldiyev, C, Sharma, Arati, Claxton, David F., Paulson, Robert F., Prabhu, K, 2022
A novel clinically relevant graft-versus-leukemia model in humanized mice
Journal of Leukocyte Biology, Jia, B, Zhao, C, Bayerl, Michael, Shike, Hiroko, Claxton, David F., Ehmann, W, Mineishi, Shin, Schell, Todd D., Zheng, P, Zhang, Y, Shultz, L, Prabhu, K. Sandeep, Paulson, Robert, Zheng, Hong, 2021
Development of SKI-349, a dual-targeted inhibitor of sphingosine kinase and microtubule polymerization
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Hengst, Jeremy A., Hegde, Shailaja, Paulson, Robert F., Yun, Jong K., 2020
Stress erythropoiesis: definitions and models for its study
Experimental Hematology, Paulson, Robert F., Hariharan, Sneha, Little, Jane A., 2020
Epo receptor signaling in macrophages alters the splenic niche to promote erythroid differentiation
Blood, Chen, Y, Xiang, J, Qian, F, Diwakar, B, Ruan, B, Hao, S, Prabhu, K, Sandeep Prabhu, K., Paulson, Robert F., 2020
Stress Erythropoiesis is a Key Inflammatory Response
Cells, Paulson, Robert F., Ruan, Baiye, Hao, Siyang, Chen, Yuanting, 2020
Yap1 promotes proliferation of transiently amplifying stress erythroid progenitors during erythroid regeneration
Experimental Hematology, Hao, S, Matsui, Y, Lai, Zhi Chun, Paulson, Robert, 2019
Crth2 receptor signaling down-regulates lipopolysaccharide-induced NF-αB activation in murine macrophages via changes in intracellular calcium
FASEB Journal, Diwakar, B, Yoast, R, Nettleford, S, Qian, F, Lee, T, Berry, S, Huffnagle, I, Rossi, R, Trebak, Mohamed, Paulson, Robert, Prabhu, K. Sandeep, 2019
Inflammation induces stress erythropoiesis through heme-dependent activation of SPI-C
Science's STKE : signal transduction knowledge environment, Bennett, L, Liao, C, Quickel, M, Yeoh, B, Vijay-Kumar, M, Hankey-Giblin, Pamela, Prabhu, K. Sandeep, Paulson, Robert, 2019
Downregulation of CD73 associates with T cell exhaustion in AML patients
Journal of Hematology and Oncology, Kong, Y, Jia, B, Zhao, C, Claxton, David F., Sharma, Arati, Annageldiyev, C, Fotos, Joseph S., Zeng, H, Paulson, Robert, Prabhu, K. Sandeep, Zheng, Hong, 2019
Gdf15 regulates murine stress erythroid progenitor proliferation and the development of the stress erythropoiesis niche
Blood advances, Hao, Siyang, Xiang, Jie, Wu, Dai-Chen, Fraser, James, Ruan, Baiye, Cai, Jingwei, Patterson, Andrew D., Lai, Zhi Chun, Paulson, Robert, 2019
Dual role of a C-terminally truncated isoform of large tumor suppressor kinase 1 in the regulation of hippo signaling and tissue growth
DNA and Cell Biology, Matsui, Y, Zhang, Y, Paulson, Robert F., Lai, Zhi Chun, 2019
Epo receptor marks the spot
Blood, Paulson, Robert F., 2019
Monocyte-derived macrophages expand the murine stress erythropoietic niche during the recovery from anemia
Blood, Liao, C, Sandeep Prabhu, K., Prabhu, K, Paulson, Robert, 2018
Mtf2-PRC2 control of canonical Wnt signaling is required for definitive erythropoiesis
Cell Discovery, Rothberg, Janet L.Manias, Maganti, Harinad B., Jrade, Hani, Porter, Christopher J., Palidwor, Gareth A., Cafariello, Christopher, Battaion, Hannah L., Khan, Safwat T., Perkins, Theodore J., Paulson, Robert F., Ito, Caryn Y., Stanford, William L., 2018
Selenoproteins regulate stress erythroid progenitors and spleen microenvironment during stress erythropoiesis
Blood, Liao, C, Hardison, Ross C., Kennett, M, Carlson, B, Paulson, Robert, Prabhu, K. Sandeep, 2018
Neuroprotective role of the ron receptor tyrosine kinase underlying central nervous system inflammation in health and disease
Frontiers in Immunology, Dey, A, Allen, J, Fraser, J, Snyder, L, Tian, Yuan, Zhang, L, Paulson, Robert, Patterson, Andrew, Cantorna, Margherita T., Hankey-Giblin, Pamela A., 2018
The intricate role of selenium and selenoproteins in erythropoiesis
Free Radical Biology and Medicine, Liao, C, Carlson, B, Paulson, Robert, Prabhu, K. Sandeep, 2018
Stress erythropoiesis model systems
Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), Bennett, L, Liao, C, Paulson, Robert, 2018
Mechanisms of erythrocyte development and regeneration: Implications for regenerative medicine and beyond
Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology, Bresnick, Emery H., Hewitt, Kyle J., Mehta, Charu, Keles, Sunduz, Paulson, Robert F., Johnson, Kirby D., 2018
GATA Factor-Regulated Samd14 Enhancer Confers Red Blood Cell Regeneration and Survival in Severe Anemia
Developmental Cell, Hewitt, Kyle J., Katsumura, Koichi R., Matson, Daniel R., Devadas, Prithvia, Tanimura, Nobuyuki, Hebert, Alexander S., Coon, Joshua J., Kim, Jin Soo, Dewey, Colin N., Keles, Sunduz, Hao, Siyang, Paulson, Robert F., Bresnick, Emery H., 2017
Activation of PPARγ by endogenous prostaglandin J2 mediates the antileukemic effect of selenium in murine leukemia
Blood, Finch, E, Tukaramrao, D, Goodfield, L, Quickel, M, Paulson, Robert, Prabhu, K. Sandeep, 2017
SKI-178: A multitargeted inhibitor of sphingosine kinase and microtubule dynamics demonstrating therapeutic efficacy in acute myeloid leukemia models
Cancer Translational Medicine, Hengst, Jeremy, Dick, T, Sharma, Arati, Doi, K, Hegde, S, Tan, S, Geffert, L, Fox, T, Sharma, Arun K., Desai, Dhimant, Amin, Shantu, Kester, M, Loughran, T, Paulson, Robert, Claxton, David, Wang, Hong-Gang, Yun, Jong, 2017
The Regulation of Pathways of Inflammation and Resolution in Immune Cells and Cancer Stem Cells by Selenium
Advances in cancer research, Diwakar, B, Korwar, A, Paulson, Robert, Prabhu, K. Sandeep, 2017
TLR stimulation increases erythrophagocytosis and induces stress erythropoiesis
Experimental Hematology, Paulson, Robert, 2016
Chemopreventive effects of dietary eicosapentaenoic acid supplementation in experimental myeloid leukemia
Cancer Prevention Research, Finch, Emily R., Kudva, Avinash K., Quickel, Michael D., Goodfield, Laura L., Kennett, Mary J., Whelan, Jay, Paulson, Robert F., Sandeep Prabhu, K., 2015
In vitro culture of stress erythroid progenitors identifies distinct progenitor populations and analogous human progenitors
Blood, Xiang, Jie, Wu, Dai Chen, Chen, Yuanting, Paulson, Robert F., 2015