Adrian A. Barragan, DVM, MS, PhD
- Associate Research Professor
- Extension Veterinarian
University Park, PA 16802
- Email
- Office 814-863-5849
Areas of Expertise
- Transition cow management
- Dairy cattle reproduction
- Farm personnel training and performance
- Dairy production medicine
- Cow comfort
- PhD, Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, The
- Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 2017
- MS, Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, The
- Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 2015
- DVM, University of La Plata, Faculty of
- Veterinary Sciences, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Prepartum anti-inflammatory therapies in Holstein dairy cows blocked by parity and body condition score group: Effects on metabolic stress, systemic inflammation, performance, and health
Journal of Dairy Science, Jimenez, E., Spring, J., Zarei, P., Martinez, M., Sorto, R., Hovingh, E., Lawhead, J., Lection, J., Barragan, A. A., 2024
Exploring vaginal discharge scoring to assess clinical metritis severity: Comparison between intrauterine dextrose and systemic antibiotics treatments
British Veterinary Journal, Hamilton, J., Jimenez, E., Zarei, P., Lection, J., Sorto, R., Hovingh, E., Martinez, M., Bas, S., Barragan, A. A., 2024
Assessment of the effects of prepartum anti-inflammatory therapies on type 1/type 2 immunity ratio using a rapid blood test
JDS Communications, Spring, J., Huo, Q., Jimenez, E., Martinez, M., Zarei, P., Lection, J., Hovingh, E., Lawhead, J., Sorto Cruz, R. H., Barragan, A. A., 2024
Use of intrauterine dextrose as an alternative to systemic antibiotics for treatment of clinical metritis in dairy cattle: a microbiome perspective
Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Lection, Jennine, Van Syoc, Emily, Miles, Asha, Hamilton, Julia, Martinez, Marcela, Bas, Santiago, Silverman, Justin, Barragan, Adrian, Ganda, Erika, 2024
The impact of beef sire breed on dystocia, stillbirth, gestation length, health, and lactation performance of cows that carry beef × dairy calves
Journal of Dairy Science, Basiel, Bailey, Barragan, A. A., Felix, T. L., Dechow, C. D., 2023
Postpartum intrauterine dextrose infusion: Effects on uterine health, metabolic stress, systemic inflammation, and daily milk yield in clinically healthy dairy cows
JDS Communications, Mattice, H., Jimenez, E., Hovingh, E., Bas, S., Martinez, M., Barragan, A. A., 2023
Evaluating the effects of a prepartum oral treatment with acetylsalicylic acid on postpartum cow health and milk yield in Holstein dairy cows
2022 ARPAS, Jimenez, Esteban, Barragan, Adrian, 2022
Assessment of human resources practices for English speaking and Spanish-speaking personnel in dairy farms in Pennsylvania.
2022 ADSA Annual Meeting, Martinez, Marcela, Barragan, Adrian, 2022
Assessment of the associations between haptoglobin concentration during the late dry period and calving-related events in dairy cattle
2022 ADSA Annual Meeting, Shabloski, Mikel, Barragan, Adrian, 2022
Assessment of the effects of prepartum anti-inflammatory therapies on body condition score, daily milk yield, and daily rumination time in Holstein dairy cows
2022 ADSA Annual Meeting, Spring, Jacqueline, Barragan, Adrian, 2022
Assessment of the effects of prepartum anti-inflammatory therapies on cow health and reproductive performance in Holstein dairy cows
2022 ADSA Annual Meeting, Jimenez, Esteban, Barragan, Adrian, 2022
Associations between clinical metritis and type 1/type 2 immunity in postpartum Holstein dairy cows
2022 ADSA Annual Meeting, Jimenez, Esteban, Barragan, Adrian, 2022
The effects of administration of acetylsalicylic acid to dairy cows after calving on milk yield and health performance
2022 ADSA Annual Meeting, Piñeiro, Juan, Barragan, Adrian, 2022
Anti-inflammatory therapy and daily milk and rumination
2022 Penn State Extension Annual Conference, Jimenez, Esteban, Barragan, Adrian, 2022
Safety and Covid vaccination differences between Spanish and English speaking workers in PA
2022 Penn State Extension Annual Conference, Martinez, Marcela, Barragan, Adrian, 2022
Body condition in transition cows
Progressive Dairy, Barragan, Adrian, 2021
Assessment of influential factors for scours associated with cryptosporidium sp., rotavirus and coronavirus in calves from argentinean dairy farms
Animals, Bertoni, Emiliano, Barragán, Adrián A., Bok, Marina, Vega, Celina, Martínez, Marcela, Gil, José F., Cimino, Rubén O., Parreño, Viviana, 2021
Modulating inflammation after calving may improve cow health and performance
Progressive Dairy, Barragan, Adrian, 2021
Association of prepartum lying time with nonesterified fatty acids and stillbirth in prepartum dairy heifers and cows
Journal of Dairy Science, Menichetti, B. T., Piñeiro, J. M., Barragan, A. A., Relling, A. E., Garcia-Guerra, A., Schuenemann, G. M., 2020
Administration of acetylsalicylic acid after parturition in lactating dairy cows under certified organic management: Part II. Biomarkers of nociception, inflammation, and stress
Journal of Dairy Science, Barragan, A. A., Bauman, L. M., Schuenemann, G. M., Velez, J., Lakritz, J., Coetzee, J. F., Gonzalez, J. D.Rozo, Piñeiro, J. M., Menichetti, B., Bas, S., 2020
Administration of acetylsalicylic acid after parturition in lactating dairy cows under certified organic management: Part I. Milk yield, milk components, activity patterns, fertility, and health
Journal of Dairy Science, Barragan, A. A., Bauman, L., da Costa, L., Velez, J., Gonzalez, J. D.Rozo, Schuenemann, G. M., Menichetti, B., Piñeiro, J., Bas, S., 2020
Effects of postpartum acetylsalicylic acid on metabolic status, health, and production in lactating dairy cattle
Journal of Dairy Science, Barragan, A. A., Hovingh, E., Bas, S., Lakritz, J., Byler, L., Ludwikowski, A., Takitch, S., Zug, J., Hann, S., 2020
A field case study: Body condition change and metabolic status of transition cows in a small dairy farm.
2020 ADSA Annual Meeting, Rosales, Mauricio, Barragan, Adrian, 2020
Assessment of the effect of intrauterine dextrose infusion on clinical cure rate, daily milk yield and daily rumination in post-partum dairy cows diagnosed with clinical metritis
2020 ADSA Annual Meeting, Hamilton, Julia, Barragan, Adrian, 2020
Maximizing Feed Intake: Key for Transition Cow Success
Dairy Herd Management, Barragan, Adrian, 2019
Excellent nutrition during lactation results in proper body condition in dry cows, which is a determining factor for a successful next lactation, Barragan, Adrian, 2019
Short communication: Assessment of biomarkers of inflammation in the vaginal discharge of postpartum dairy cows diagnosed with clinical metritis
Journal of Dairy Science, Barragan, A. A., Lakritz, J., Carman, M. K., Bas, S., Hovingh, E., Schuenemann, G. M., 2019
Associations of postpartum lying time with culling, milk yield, cyclicity, and reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows
Journal of Dairy Science, Piñeiro, J. M., Menichetti, B. T., Barragan, A. A., Relling, A. E., Weiss, W. P., Bas, S., Schuenemann, G. M., 2019
Associations of pre- and postpartum lying time with metabolic, inflammation, and health status of lactating dairy cows
Journal of Dairy Science, Piñeiro, J. M., Menichetti, B. T., Barragan, A. A., Relling, A. E., Weiss, W. P., Bas, S., Schuenemann, G. M., 2019
Effects of a new preventive strategy with acetylsalicylic acid on daily milk yield, milk conductivity and rumination in dairy cows after calving.
Journal of Dairy Sci, Ludwikowski, A, Barragan, A, Bas, S, Hovingh, Ernest, Takitch, S., Zug, J, Hann, S, 2019
Assessment of daily activity patterns and biomarkers of pain, inflammation, and stress in lactating dairy cows diagnosed with clinical metritis
Journal of Dairy Science, Barragan, A. A., Piñeiro, J. M., Schuenemann, G. M., Rajala-Schultz, P. J., Sanders, D. E., Lakritz, J., Bas, S., 2018
Effects of postpartum acetylsalicylic acid on uterine diseases and reproductive performance in dairy cattle
JDS Communications, Barragan, A. A., Bas, S., Hovingh, Ernest Peter, Byler, L., 2018
Handwritten records: An important tool to monitor health in transition cows
Progressive Dairy, Barragan, Adrian, Rosales, Mauricio, 2018
Effects of oral administration of acetylsalicylic acid on physiological parameters and biomarkers of inflammation, pain and stress in organic dairy cows that experienced vulvar lesion at calving
2018 ADSA Annual Meeting, Barragan, Adrian, 2018
Reference blood parameter for Holstein dairy cows diagnosed with different health events.
2018 ADSA Annual Meeting, Barragan, Adrian, 2018
Assessment of the associations of management practices during the dry period and activity patterns in dairy cattle
2021 ADSA Annual Meeting, Barragan, Adrian, 2018
Effect of prepartum lying time on stillbirth in transition dairy heifers and cows.
2018 ADSA Annual Meeting, Menichetti, Bernardo, Barragan, Adrian, 2018
Assessment of an application for touchscreen devices to record calving-related events in dairy herds and monitor personnel performance
Journal of Dairy Science, Barragan, A. A., Workman, J. D., Bas, S., Proudfoot, K. L., Schuenemann, G. M., 2016
Effect of intrauterine dextrose on reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows diagnosed with purulent vaginal discharge under certified organic management
Journal of Dairy Science, Maquivar, M. G., Barragan, A. A., Velez, J. S., Bothe, H., Schuenemann, G. M., 2015