Bhushan M. Jayarao, MVSc, Ph.D., MPH

Bhushan M. Jayarao, MVSc, Ph.D., MPH

  • Professor of Public Health
439 Shortlidge Road AVBS Building
University Park, PA 16802

Areas of Expertise

  • Diagnostic Microbiology
  • Veterinary Public Health
  • Food Safety
  • Epidemiology
  • New and Emerging Infectious Diseases


  • MPH, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, 1994
  • PhD, Veterinary Public Health, Univ. of Vet. Sci., Budapest, Hungary, 1990
  • MVSc, Bombay Veterinary College, Mumbai, India, 1982
  • BVSc, Bombay Veterinary College, Mumbai, India, 1980

Professional Experience

2010-2023: Director of ADL

2008-2009: Federation of Animal Science Societies/Advancing Science, Serving Society (FASS/AAAS) Congressional Science Fellow, U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Energy and Commerce, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation.

2006-Present: Professor, Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences (VBS), Penn State.

2002- 2006: Associate Professor/Extension Veterinarian, VBS, Penn State.

1998-2002: Assistant Professor/Extension Veterinarian, VBS, Penn State.

1995–1998: Assistant Professor, Dairy Science Department, South Dakota State University.

1991–1995: Research Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Science, The University of Tennessee.

1989-1991: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Animal Science, The University of Tennessee.

1986-1989: PhD Fellow, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.

1982-1986: Assistant Professor of Veterinary Public Health, Bombay Veterinary College, Bombay, India.

1980-1986: Veterinarian, Veterinary Clinic, Bandra, Bombay, India. 

Teaching Experience

Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases (VB SC 444) 

Honors and Awards

2008: Pennsylvania State Cooperative Extension Director's Leadership award.

2007-2012: Elected Member, Council for Veterinary Public Health and Regulatory Affairs, American Veterinary Medical Association.

2007-2009: Section Editor (Physiology and Management),Journal of Dairy Science.

2006-2007: Panel Manager, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Integrated Food Safety Initiative.

2002: American Dairy Science Association West Agro Award for outstanding research towards the abatement of mastitis.

1985-1989: Indian Council for Agricultural Research Fellowship for Doctoral Studies in Hungary.

1980 -1982: Indian Council of Agricultural Research Fellowship in Veterinary Public Health.

1980: Bombay Veterinary College. BVSc & AH, University Gold Medalist.       

Selected Publications 

Fenton, G. D., Brasier, K. J., Henning, G. F., Radhakrishna, R. B., and Jayarao, B. M. A Survey of selected occupational health characteristics of women working on dairy farms in Pennsylvania. J Agromedicine 15(1):7-15, 2010.

Fenton, G. D., Brasier, K. J., Henning, G. F., Radhakrishna, R. B., and Jayarao, B. M. Occupational health-related behaviors and habits of women working on dairy farms in Pennsylvania. J Agromedicine 15(1):16-23, 2010. 

Elmoslemany, A. M., Keefe, G. P., Dohoo, I. R., and Jayarao, B. M. Risk factors for bacteriological quality of bulk tank milk in Prince Edward Island dairy herds. Part 1: overall risk factors. J Dairy Sci 92:2634-43, 2009.

Elmoslemany, A. M., Keefe, G. P., Dohoo, I. R., and Jayarao, B. M. Risk factors for bacteriological quality of bulk tank milk in Prince Edward Island dairy herds. Part 2: bacteria count-specific risk factors. J Dairy Sci 92:2644-52, 2009.

DebRoy, C., Roberts, E., Scheuchenzuber, W., Kariyawasam, S., and Jayarao, B. M. Comparison of genotypes of Escherichia coli strains carrying F18ab and F18ac fimbriae from pigs. J Vet Diagn Invest 21:359-64, 2009.

Debroy, C., Sidhu, M. S., Sarker, U., Jayarao, B. M., Stell, A. L., Bell, N. P., and Johnson, T. J. Complete sequence of pEC14_114, a highly conserved IncFIB/FIIA plasmid associated with uropathogenic Escherichia coli cystitis strains. Plasmid 63(1):53-60, 2009.

Brooks, J. W., and Jayarao, B. M. Management practices used by white-tailed deer farms in Pennsylvania and herd health problems. J Am Vet Med Assoc 232:98-104, 2008.

Compton, J. A., Baney, J. A., Donaldson, S. C., Houser, B. A., San Julian, G. J., Yahner, R. H., Chmielecki, W., Reynolds, S., and Jayarao, B. M. Salmonella infections in the common raccoon (Procyon lotor) in western Pennsylvania. J Clin Microbiol 46:3084-6, 2008.

DebRoy, C., Roberts, E., Jayarao, B. M., and Brooks, J. W. Bronchopneumonia associated with extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli in a horse. J Vet Diagn Invest 20:661-4, 2008.

Van Kessel, J. S., Karns, J. S., Wolfgang, D. R., Hovingh, E., Jayarao, B. M., Van Tassell, C. P., and Schukken, Y. H. Environmental sampling to predict fecal prevalence of Salmonella in an intensively monitored dairy herd. J Food Prot 71:1967-73, 2008.

Gurjar, A. A., Hegde, N. V., Love, B. C., and Jayarao, B. M. Real-time multiplex PCR assay for rapid detection and toxintyping of Clostridium perfringens toxin producing strains in feces of dairy cattle. Mol Cell Probes 22:90-5, 2008.

Houser, B. A., Donaldson, S. C., Kehoe, S. I., Heinrichs, A. J. and Jayarao, B. M. A survey of bacteriological quality and the occurrence of Salmonella in raw bovine colostrum. Foodborne Pathog Dis 5:853-8, 2008.

Houser, B. A., Donaldson, S. C., Padte, R., Sawant, A. A., DebRoy, C., and Jayarao, B. M. Assessment of phenotypic and genotypic diversity of Escherichia coli shed by healthy lactating dairy cattle. Foodborne Pathog Dis 5:41-51, 2008.

Gurjar, A. A., Yennawar, N. H., Yennawar, H. P., Rajashankar, K. R., Hegde, N. V., and Jayarao, B. M. Expression, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of recombinant Clostridium perfringens beta 2-toxin. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun 63:484-7, 2007. 

Sawant, A. A., Hegde, N. V., Straley, B. A., Donaldson, S. C., Love, B. C., Knabel, S. J., and Jayarao, B. M.. Antimicrobial-resistant enteric bacteria from dairy cattle. Appl Environ Microbiol 73:156-63, 2007. 

Kehoe, S. I., Jayarao, B. M., and Heinrichs, A. J. A survey of bovine colostrum composition and colostrum management practices on Pennsylvania dairy farms. J Dairy Sci 90:4108-16, 2007.

Donaldson, S. C., Straley, B. A., Hegde, N. V., Sawant, A. A., DebRoy, C., and Jayarao, B. M. Molecular epidemiology of ceftiofur-resistant Escherichia coli isolates from dairy calves. Appl Environ Microbiol 72:3940-8, 2006.

Straley, B. A., Donaldson, S. C., Hedge, N. V., Sawant, A. A., Srinivasan, V., Oliver, S. P. and Jayarao, B. M. 2006. Public health significance of antimicrobial-resistant gram-negative bacteria in raw bulk tank milk. Foodborne Pathog Dis 3:222-33, 2006.

Jayarao, B. M., Donaldson, S. C., Straley, A., Sawant, A. A., Hegde, N. V., and Brown, J. L. A survey of foodborne pathogens in bulk tank milk and raw milk consumption among farm families in Pennsylvania. J Dairy Sci 89:2451-8, 2006.

Hegde, N. V., Cook, M. L., Wolfgang, D. R., Love, B. C., Maddox, C. C., and Jayarao, B. M. Dissemination of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica Serovar Typhimurium var. Copenhagen clonal types through a contract heifer-raising operation. J Clin Microbiol 43:4208-11, 2005.

Oliver, S. P., Jayarao, B. M., and Almeida, R. A. Foodborne pathogens in milk and the dairy farm environment: food safety and public health implications. Foodborne Pathog Dis 2:115-29, 2005.

Sawant, A. A., Sordillo, L. M., and Jayarao, B. M. A survey on antibiotic usage in dairy herds in Pennsylvania. J Dairy Sci 88:2991-99, 2005.


  • American Veterinary Medical Association
  • Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association
  • American Society for Microbiology
  • National Mastitis Council
  • American Dairy Science Association


The Susceptibility of Chickens to Zika Virus: A Comprehensive Study on Age-Dependent Infection Dynamics and Host Responses
Viruses, Nissly, Ruth H., Lim, Levina, Keller, Margo R., Bird, Ian M., Bhushan, Gitanjali, Misra, Sougat, Chothe, Shubhada K., Sill, Miranda C., Kumar, Nagaram Vinod, Sivakumar, A. V.N., Naik, B. Rambabu, Jayarao, Bhushan M., Kuchipudi, Suresh V., 2024

Klebsiella pneumoniae in stranded California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) of Central California between 2017-2022
Frontiers in Marine Science, Zotto, Sydney N., Dunkin, Robin C., Limon, Juliana D., Smith, Maia S., Hortensius, Lisabet M., Martinez, Margaret E., Duignan, Pádraig J., Field, Cara, Soto, Esteban, Whitaker, Dane, Rios, Carlos, Byukusenge, Maurice, Jayarao, Bhushan, Kuchipudi, Suresh V., Kinsley, Amy C., 2024

Complete Genome Sequence of a Bovine Coronavirus Isolated from a Goat in Pennsylvania, USA
Genome Announcements, Chothe, Shubhada, Byukusenge, Maurice, Sekhwal, Manoj, Li, L, LaBella, Lindsey, Jakka, Padmaja, Palchak, Kay, Barry, Rhiannon, Yon, Michele, Nissly, Ruth H., Kelly, Kathleen, Jayarao, Bhushan M., Nair, Meera, Kuchipudi, Suresh Varma, 2023

Multiple spillovers from humans and onward transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in white-tailed deer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Kuchipudi, Suresh V., Surendran-Nair, Meera, Ruden, R, Yon, M, Nissly, R, Vandegrift, Kurt J., Nelli, R, Li, Lingling, Jayarao, Bhushan, Maranas, Costas D., Levine, N, Willgert, K, Conlan, Andrew J.K., Conlan AJK, None, Olsen, R, Davis, J, Musser, J, Hudson, Peter John, Kapur, Vivek, 2022

Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, Tahir, R., Rabbani, M., Ahmad, A., Tipu, M. Y., Chaudhary, M. H., Jayarao, B. M., 2022

Transmission history of SARS-CoV-2 in humans and white-tailed deer
Scientific Reports, Willgert, Katriina, Didelot, X, Surendran-Nair, Meera, Kuchipudi, Suresh V., Ruden, R, Yon, M, Nissly, R, Vandegrift, Kurt J., Nelli, R, Li, L, Jayarao, Bhushan M., Levine, N, Olsen, R, Davis, J, Musser, J, Hudson, P, Kapur, Vivek, Conlan AJK, None, Conlan, Andrew J.K., 2022

Detection of Anaplasma Phagocytophilum in Horses With Suspected Tick-Borne Disease in Northeastern United States by Metagenomic Sequencing.
Frontiers in veterinary science, Subbiah, M, Thirumalapura, N, Thompson, D, Kuchipudi, S, Jayarao, Bhushan, Tewari, D, 2021

A Novel Real-Time PCR Assay for the Rapid Detection of Virulent Streptococcus equi Subspecies zooepidemicus—An Emerging Pathogen of Swine
Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Kuchipudi, Suresh V., Surendran Nair, Meera, Yon, Michele, Gontu, Abhinay, Nissly, Ruth H., Barry, Rhiannon, Greenawalt, Denver, Pierre, Traci, Li, Lingling, Thirumalapura, Nagaraja, Tewari, Deepanker, Jayarao, Bhushan, 2021

Genomic characterization of velogenic avian orthoavulavirus 1 isolates from poultry workers: Implications to emergence and its zoonotic potential towards public health
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, Shabbir, Muhammad Zubair, Nissly, Ruth Helmus, Ahad, Abdul, Rabbani, Masood, Lim, Levina, Chothe, Shubhada K., Subbiah, Murugan, Sebastian, Aswathy, Albert, Istvan, Ul-Rahman, Aziz, Jayarao, Bhushan M., Kuchipudi, Suresh V., 2021

A Highly Sensitive and Specific Probe-Based Real-Time PCR for the Detection of Avibacterium paragallinarum in Clinical Samples From Poultry
Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Kuchipudi, Suresh, V, None, Kuchipudi, Suresh V., Yon, Michele, Nair, Meera, Surendran Nair, Meera, Byukusenge, Maurice, Barry, Rhiannon, Nissly, R, Williams, Jen, Pierre, Traci, Mathews, Tammy, Walner-Pendleton, Eva, Dunn, P, Barnhart, Denise, Loughrey, Sean, Davison, Sherrill, Kelly, Dona, Tewari, Deepanker, Jayarao, Bhushan M., 2021

Complete genome sequences of six staphylococcus pseudintermedius strains from dogs with superficial pyoderma in georgia, USA
Genome Announcements, Byukusenge, Maurice, Banovic, Frane, Li, L, Kuchipudi, Suresh, V, None, Kuchipudi, Suresh V., Jayarao, Bhushan M., Watson, Cynthia, Naikare, Hemant, 2021

Prevalence and distribution of multilocus sequence types of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from bulk tank milk and cows with mastitis in Pennsylvania
PLoS One, Thomas, Asha, Chothe, Shubhada, Byukusenge, Maurice, Mathews, Tammy, Pierre, Traci, Kariyawasam, S, Luley, Erin, Kuchipudi, S, Jayarao, Bhushan, 2021

Seroprevalence of bacillus anthracis protective-antigen in nine districts of central punjab, pakistan
Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, Rashid, H., Muhammad, K., Rabbani, M., Khan, M. S., Shabbir, M. Z., Ahmad, A., Ali, M. A., Jayarao, B., 2020

NLRC5 Serves as a Pro-viral Factor During Influenza Virus Infection in Chicken Macrophages
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, Chothe, S, Nissly, R, Lim, L, Bhushan, G, Bird, I, Radzio-Basu, Jessica, Jayarao, Bhushan, Kuchipudi, Suresh V., 2020

Complete Genome Sequences of Seven Avibacterium paragallinarum Isolates from Poultry Farms in Pennsylvania, USA
Genome Announcements, Byukusenge, Maurice, Nissly, Ruth, Li, Lingling, Pierre, Traci, Mathews, Tammy, Wallner-Pendleton, Eva, Dunn, Patricia, Barnhart, Denise, Loughrey, Sean, Davison, Sherrill, Kelly, Donna, Tewari, Deepanker, Tewari, BDeepanker, Jayarao, Bhushan M., Kuchipudi, Suresh V., Kuchipudi, Suresh, V, None, 2020

Draft genome sequences of two virulent Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus swine isolates from Pennsylvania
Genome Announcements, Surendran Nair, M, Nair, Meera Surendran, Byukusenge, Maurice, Li, Lingling, Nissly, R, Cavener, V, Yon, Michele, Barry, Rhiannon, Natesan, Pazhanivel, Thirumalapura, Nagaraja, Tewari, Deepanker, Jayarao, Bhushan M., Kuchipudi, Suresh V., Kuchipudi, Suresh, V, None, 2020

Assessment of a commercially available serum pregnancy-specific protein B test in free-ranging elk (Cervus canadensis) in Pennsylvania, USA
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Seixas, J, Jayarao, Bhushan, Banfield, J, Johnson, J, Brown, Justin D., 2019

Detection of CTX-M-1 extended-spectrum beta-lactamase among ceftiofur-resistant Salmonella enterica clinical isolates of poultry
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, Denagamage, T, Wallner-Pendleton, Eva, Jayarao, Bhushan, Xiaoli, L, Dudley, Edward G., Wolfgang, D, Kariyawasam, S, 2019

A probe-based real-time PCR assay for the detection of Neospora caninum in clinical samples from cattle
Veterinary Parasitology, Barry, R, Nissly, R, Feria, W, Thirumalapura, N, Tewari, D, Jayarao, Bhushan, Kuchipudi, Suresh V., 2019

Cross Sectional Study and Risk Factors Analysis of Francisella tularensis in Soil Samples in Punjab Province of Pakistan
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology, Muhammad, J, Rabbani, M, Shabbir, M, Muhammad, K, Ghori, M, Chaudhry, H, Ul Hassnain, Z, Hassnain, Zia Ul, Jamil, T, Abbas, T, Chaudhry, M, Haisem-Ur-Rasool, M, Ali, M, Nisar, M, Kirimanjeswara, Girish S., Jayarao, Bhushan M., 2019

Antimicrobial resistance on dairy farms
Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, Jayarao, Bhushan, Almeida, Raul, Oliver, Stephen P., 2019

Complete genome sequences of 20 nontyphoidal Salmonella isolates from Rwanda
Genome Announcements, Byukusenge, Maurice, Li, Lingling, Uwanyirigira, Mediatrice, Vepachedu, V, Kariyawasam, S, Nzayirambaho, Manasse, Kuchipudi, Suresh, V, None, Kuchipudi, Suresh V., Jayarao, Bhushan M., 2019

Prevalence and distribution of soil-borne Bacillus anthracis in different districts of Punjab, Pakistan
Pakistan Journal of Zoology, Rashid, Haroon, Muhammad, Khushi, Rabbani, Masood, Khan, Muhammad Sarwar, Ghori, Tasleem, Chaudhry, Mamoona, Rashid, Hamad Bin, Shabbir, Muhammad Zubair, Chaudhary, Muhammad Hamid, Ali, Muhammad Asad, Sattar, Mian Muhammad Khubaib, Muhammad, Javed, Jayarao, Bhushan, 2018

Zoonosis from a one-health perspective
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Luley, Erin, Jayarao, Bhushan, 2018

Complete genome sequences of three related avian avulavirus 1 isolates from poultry farmers in Pakistan
Genome Announcements, Zubair Shabbir, M., Shabbir, M, Nissly, R, Ahad, A, Rabbani, M, Chothe, S, Sebastian, A, Albert, Istvan, Jayarao, Bhushan M., Kuchipudi, Suresh V., 2018

Whole-genome sequence of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus isolated from farmed brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Pennsylvania
Genome Announcements, Palchak, K, Chothe, S, Sebastian, A, Nissly, R, Barry, R, Albert, Istvan, Jayarao, Bhushan, Kuchipudi, Suresh V., 2018

Whole-genome sequence analysis reveals unique SNP profiles to distinguish vaccine and wild-type strains of bovine herpesvirus-1 (BoHV-1)
Virology, Chothe, Shubhada, Sebastian, Aswathy, Thomas, Asha, Nissly, R, Wolfgang, D, Byukusenge, Maurice, Mor, Sunil, Goyal, Sagar, Albert, Istvan, Tewari, Deepanker, Jayarao, Bhushan M., Kuchipudi, Suresh V., Kuchipudi, Suresh, V, None, 2018

Whole-genome sequences of 18 bovine alphaherpesvirus 1 field isolates from Pennsylvania and Minnesota
Genome Announcements, Chothe, Shubhada, Sebastian, Aswathy, Thomas, Asha, Nissly, R, Byukusenge, Maurice, Wolfgang, D, Mor, Sunil, Goyal, Sagar, Albert, Istvan, Jayarao, Shushan, Jayarao, Bhushan, Kuchipudi, Suresh, V, None, Kuchipudi, Suresh V., 2018

Seroprevalence and risk factors of glanders in working equines – Findings of a cross-sectional study in Punjab province of Pakistan
Acta Tropica, Ghori, Muhammad Taslim, Khan, Muhammad Sarwar, Khan, Jawaria Ali, Rabbani, Masood, Shabbir, Muhammad Zubair, Chaudhry, Haroon Rashid, Ali, Muhammad Asad, Muhammad, Javed, Elschner, Mandy Carolina, Jayarao, Bhushan M., 2017

An immuno-chromatographic lateral flow assay (LFA) for rapid on-the-farm detection of classical swine fever virus (CSFV)
Archives of Virology, Sambandam, R, Angamuthu, R, Kanagaraj, V, Kathaperumal, K, Chothe, S, Nissly, R, Barry, R, Jayarao, Bhushan M., Kuchipudi, Suresh V., 2017

A Retrospective Study of Salmonella Enteritidis Isolated from Commercial Layer Flocks
Avian Diseases, Denagamage, T, Jayarao, Bhushan, Wallner-Pendleton, Eva, Patterson, Paul H., Kariyawasam, S, 2017

Comparative diagnostic efficacy of recombinant LLO and PI-PLC-based ELISAs for detection of listeriosis in animals
Journal of Microbiological Methods, Suryawanshi, Rahul D., Malik, Satya Veer Singh, Jayarao, Bhushan, Chaudhari, Sandeep P., Savage, Emily, Vergis, Jess, Kurkure, Nitin V., Barbuddhe, Sukhadeo B., Rawool, Deepak B., 2017

Evaluation of Three Bacterial Identification Systems for Species Identification of Bacteria Isolated from Bovine Mastitis and Bulk Tank Milk Samples
Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, Savage, E, Chothe, S, Lintner, V, Pierre, T, Matthews, T, Kariyawasam, S, Miller, D, Tewari, D, Jayarao, Bhushan, 2017

Association of soil chemistry and other factors with spatially distributed Burkholderia mallei DNA in Punjab province, Pakistan, Ali, Muhammad Asad, Muhammad, Khushi, Anjum, Aftab Ahmad, Ahmad, Mansur Ud Din, Rabbani, Masood, Shabbir, Muhammad Zubair, Ahmad, Arfan, Nawaz, Muhammad, Ghori, Muhammad Tasleem, Muhammad, Javed, Chaudhry, Haroon Rashid, Jamil, Tariq, Haisem, Muhammad, Awan, Tasmia, Ahmad, Rais, Jayarao, Bhushan M., 2017

Spatial distribution of Burkholderia mallei genome in Punjab, Pakistan, Ali, Muhammad Asad, Muhammad, Khushi, Rabbani, Masood, Anjum, Aftab Ahmad, Ahmad, Mansur Ud Din, Shabbir, Muhammad Zubair, Chaudhry, Muhammad Hamid, Jayarao, Bhushan M., 2017

Lipopolysacharide gene based development and optimization of diagnostics for francisella tularensis
Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, Muhammad, J., Rabbani, M., Muhammad, K., Wasim, M., Dewan, K., Anjum, A. A., Sheikh, A. A., Ahmad, A., Akhtar, F., Nisar, M., Jayarao, B. M., Kirimanjeswara, G. S., 2017

Avian and human influenza virus compatible sialic acid receptors in little brown bats
Scientific Reports, Chothe, S, Bhushan, G, Nissly, R, Yeh, Yin Ting, Brown, Justin, Turner, G, Fisher, J, Terrones, M, Sewall, B, Reeder, D, Jayarao, B, Kuchipudi, SV, Terrones, Mauricio, Terrones Maldonado, M, Jayarao, Bhushan, Kuchipudi, Suresh V., 2017

Co-expression of sialic acid receptors compatible with avian and human influenza virus binding in emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae)
Virology, Gujjar, N, Chothe, S, Gawai, S, Nissly, R, Bhushan, G, Kanagaraj, V, Jayarao, Bhushan, Kathaperumal, K, Subbiah, M, Kuchipudi, Suresh V., 2017

Evidence of Coxiella burnetii in Punjab province, Pakistan
Acta Tropica, Shabbir, M, Akram, S, Hassan, Z, Hanif, K, Rabbani, M, Muhammad, J, Chaudhary, M, Abbas, T, Ghori, M, Rashid, H, Jamil, T, Islam, Z, Rasool, H, Bano, A, Ahmad, A, Ali, M, Yaqub, T, McVey, W, Jayarao, Bhushan M., 2016

Longitudinal Monitoring of Successive Commercial Layer Flocks for Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteritidis
Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, Denagamage, T, Patterson, Paul, Wallner-Pendleton, Eva, Trampel, D, Shariat, N, Dudley, Edward G., Jayarao, Bhushan M., Kariyawasam, S, 2016

Prevalence and Spatial Distribution of Salmonella Infections in the Pennsylvania Raccoon (Procyon lotor)
Zoonoses and Public Health, Very, K, Kirchner, M, Shariat, N, Cottrell, W, Sandt, C, Dudley, E. G., Kariyawasam, S, Jayarao, B. M., 2016

Growth in egg yolk enhances salmonella enteritidis colonization and virulence in a mouse model of human colitis
PLoS One, Moreau, M, Wijetunge, D, Bailey, M, Gongati, S, Goodfield, L, Hewage, E, Kennett, M, Fedorchuk, C, Ivanov, Y, Linder, J, Jayarao, Bhushan, Kariyawasam, S, 2016

Characterization of a multidrug resistant C. difficile meat isolate
International Journal of Food Microbiology, Mooyottu, Shankumar, Flock, Genevieve, Kollanoor-Johny, Anup, Upadhyaya, Indu, Jayarao, Bhushan, Venkitanarayanan, Kumar, 2015

Genome sequences of two strains of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis isolated from shell eggs
Genome Announcements, Moreau, M, Wijetunge, D, Hewage, Eranda Mangala K.Kurundu, Kurundu Hewage, E, Jayarao, Bhushan M., Kariyawasam, S, 2015

Prevalence and distribution of soil-borne zoonotic pathogens in Lahore district of Pakistan
Frontiers in Microbiology, Shabbir, M, Jamil, T, Ali, A, Ahmad, A, Naeem, M, Chaudhary, M, Bilal, M, Ali, M, Muhammad, K, Yaqub, T, Bano, A, Mirza, A, Shabbir, M, McVey, W, Patel, K, Francesconi, S, Jayarao, Bhushan, Rabbani, M, 2015

Risk Factors Associated with Salmonella in Laying Hen Farms: Systematic Review of Observational Studies
Avian Diseases, Denagamage, T, Jayarao, Bhushan, Patterson, Paul, Wallner-Pendleton, Eva, Kariyawasam, S, 2015