Justin Brown, DVM, PhD

Justin Brown, DVM, PhD

  • Assistant Teaching Professor
  • Program Coordinator, Undergraduate Studies, Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences
108D AVBS Building
Shortlidge Road

University Park, Pennsylvania 16802


  • PhD in Pathology, University of Georgia, College of Veterinary Medicine, 2007.
  • DVM, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, Government-Corporate Track, 2004.
  • BS in Biology, The University of North Carolina-Wilmington, 2000.

Professional Experience

2014-present: Wildlife Veterinarian, Pennsylvania Game Commission, State College, PA

2004-2013: Wildlife Disease Diagnostician, Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.

2009-2013: Assistant Research Scientist

2007-2009: Postdoctoral Research Associate

2004-2007: Graduate Assistant

Teaching Experience

Wildlife Diseases (VBSC 409), Course Co-Instructor, 2014

Honors and Awards

2008: American Association of Avian Pathologists' Reed Rumsey Award

2006: Wildlife Disease Association Research Recognition Award

2004: Morris Animal Foundation Science Fellow

2004: Wildlife Disease Association Scholarship

Professional Service

2013-present: The Condor: Ornithological Applications, Associate Editor

2009-2013: PLoS ONE, Academic Editor

2008-present: The Wildlife Disease Association

2009-present: Student Awards Committee

2008-2009: Time and Place Committee 

Research Interests

My research focuses on understanding the impacts of diseases on wildlife populations and the potential for wildlife species involvement in diseases of agricultural or public health importance. Current projects are focused on avian influenza virus ecology in wild birds, parvoviruses of carnivores, retroviruses of wild turkeys, chronic wasting disease, and mange in black bears.

Selected Publications

Poulson, R.L., S.M. Tompkins, R.D. Berghaus, J.D. Brown, and D.E. Stallknecht.  Environmental stability of swine and human pandemic influenza viruses in water under variable conditions of temperature, salinity, and pH.  Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82: 3721-3726, 2016.

Brown, J.D., P. Dunn, E. Pendleton, S. Kariyawasam, T. Schriner, C. Hofacre, J. Johnson, and R. Boyd.  Surveillance for chronic carriers of Pasteurella multocida in ring-neck pheasants after apparent successful antibiotic treatment.  Avian Diseases 60: 87-89, 2016.

Ramey, A.M., P. Walther, P. Link, R.L. Poulson, B.R. Wilcox, G. Newsome, E. Spackman, J.D. Brown, and D.E. Stallknecht.  Optimizing surveillance for South American origin influenza A viruses along the United States Gulf Coast through genomic characterization of isolates from blue-winged teal (Anas discors).  Transboundary and Emerging Infectious Diseases 63: 194-202, 2016.

Elsmo, E.J., A.B. Allison and J.D. Brown.  2016.  A review of dermatologic diseases in wild turkeys in the eastern United States from 1975-2013.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases 52: 582-591, 2016.

Gonzalez Astudillo, V., S.M. Hernandez, V. Peters, M.J. Yabsley, D.G. Mead, M.K. Keel, B.A. Munk, J. Fischer, J. Brown, and N. Nemeth.  Mortality of selected avian orders submitted to a wildlife diagnostic laboratory (Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study, USA): A 36-year restrospective analysis.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases 52: 441-458, 2016.

Miller, E.A, C.P. Driscoll, S. Davison, L. Murphy, E. Bronson, A. Wack, A. Rivas, and J. Brown.  Snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus) morbidity and mortality investigations in the DOS region in the winters of 2013-2014 and 2014-2015.  Delmarva Ornithologist 44: 4-12, 2015.

Ruder, M.G., D.G. Mead, D.E. Stallknecht, M. Kedmil, E. Klement, J.D. Brown, D.L. Carter, and E.W. Howerth.  Experimental Infection of Holstein cows and calves with EHDV-7 and preliminary evaluation of different inoculation methods.  Veterinaria Italiana 51: 289-299, 2015.

Hall. J, R.E. Russell, J. C. Franson, C. Soos, R.J. Dusek, R.B. Allen, S.W. Nashold, J.L. TeSlaa, J. Ballard, J.M. Nolting, A.S. Bowman, R.D. Slemons, and J. Brown.  Avian influenza ecology in marine waterfowl: not all ducks are created equal.  PLoS ONE 10: e0144524, 2015.

Samuel, M.D., J.Hall, J.D. Brown, D.R. Goldberg, H. Ip, and V.V. Baranyuk.  The dynamics of avian influenza in Western Arctic snow geese: implications for annual and migratory infection patterns.  Ecological Applications 25: 1851-1859, 2015.

Thomas, J.M., A.B. Allison, E. Holmes, J. Phillips, E. Bunting, M. Yabsley, and J.D. Brown.  Molecular surveillance for lymphoproliferative disease virus in wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) in the Eastern United States.  PLoS ONE 10: e0122644, 2015.

Allison, A.B., J.R. Ballard, R.B. Tesh, J.D. Brown, M.G. Ruder, M.K. Keel, B.A. Munk, R. Mickley, S. Gibbs, A. da Rosa, J.C. Ellis, H. Ip, V.I. Shern-Bochsler, M.B. Rogers, E. Gheldin, E.C. Holmes, C.R. Parrish, and C. Dwyer.  Cyclic avian mass mortality in the northeastern United States is associated with a novel orthomyxovirus.  Journal of Virology 89: 1389-1403, 2015.

Lebarbenchon, C., J.C. Pedersen, S. Sreevatsan, A. Ramey, V.G. Dugan, R.A. Halpin, P. Ferro, B. Lupiani, S. Enomoto, R.L. Poulson, M. Smeltzer, C.J. Cardona, D. Wentworth, D.E. Stallknecht, and J.D. Brown.  H7N9 influenza A virus in turkeys in Minnesota.  Journal of General Virology 96: 269-276, 2015.

Caudill, G., D. Wolf, D. Caudill, J. Brown, and V. Shearn-Bochsler.  A juvenile wading bird mortality event in urban Jacksonville, Florida associated with the parasite Eustrongylides.  Florida Field Naturalist 42: 108-113, 2014.

Davis-Fields, M.K., A.B. Allison, J.D. Brown, R.L. Poulson, and D.E. Stallknecht.  Effects of temperature and pH on the persistence of avian paramyxovirus-1 in water.  Journal of Wildlife Diseases 50: 998-1000, 2014.

Slusher, M.J., B.R. Wilcox, M.P. Lutrell, R. Poulson, J.D. Brown, M.J. Yabsley, and D.E. Stallknecht.  Are Passerine Birds Reservoirs for Influenza a Viruses?  Journal of Wildlife Diseases 50: 792-809, 2014.

Brown, J.D., D.E. Swayne, C. Lebarbenchon, and D.E. Stallknecht.  Survivability of Eurasian H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in water varies between strains. Avian Diseases 58: 453-457, 2014.

Roche, B., J.M. Drake, T. Bedford, J.D. Brown, D.E. Stallknecht, and P. Rohani.  Adaptive evolution and environmental durability jointly structure phylodynamic patterns in avian influenza viruses.  PLoS Biology 12(8): e1001931, 2014.

Ramey, A. M., Poulson, R. L., González-Reiche, A. S., Perez, D. R., Stallknecht, D. E., and Brown, J. D. Genomic characteristics of H14 subtype influenza A viruses in New World waterfowl and experimental infectivity in mallards (Anas platyrhynchos). PLoS ONE 9: e95620, 2014.

Kistler, W. M., Brown, J. D., Allison, A. B., Nemeth, N. M., and Yabsley, M. J.  First report of Angiostrongylus vasorum and Hepatozoon canis in a red fox (Vulpes vulpes) from the United States. Veterinary Parasitology 200: 216-220, 2014.

Allison, A. B., Keel, M. K., Philips, J. E., Cartoceti, A. N., Munk,  B. A., Nemeth, 
N. M., Welsh, T. I., Thomas, J. M., Crum, J. M., Lichtenwalner, A. B., Bunting, 
E. M., Fadley, A. M., Zavala, G., Holmes, E. C., and Brown, J. D. Avian oncogenesis induced by lymphoproliferative disease virus: A neglected or emerging retroviral pathogen? Virology 450-451: 2-12, 2014. 

Nemeth, N., Ruder, M., Gerhold, R., BrownJ., Munk, B., Oesterle, P., Kubiski, S., and Keel, K. Demodectic mange, dermatophilosis, and other infectious dermatologic diseases in free-ranging white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the southeastern United States from 1977-2012. Veterinary Pathology 51: 633-640, 2014.

Lebarbenchon, C., Brown, J. D., and Stallknecht, D. Evolution of influenza A H7 and N9 subtypes, Eastern Asia. Emerging Infectious Diseases 19: 1635-1638, 2013.

Brown, J. D., Poulson, R., Carter, D., Lebarbenchon, C., Pantin-Jackwood, M., Spackman, E.,  Shepherd, E. , and Stallknecht, D. Comparative susceptibility of avian species to low pathogenic avian influenza viruses of the H13 subtype. Avian Diseases 56: 969-975, 2012.

Allison, A. B., Harbison, C. E., Pagan, I., Stucker, K. M., Jason T. Kaelber, Brown, J. D., Ruder, M. G., Keel, M. K., Dubovi, E. J., Holmes, E. C., and Parrish, C. R. Role of multiple hosts in the cross-species transmission and emergence of a pandemic parvovirus. Journal of Virology 86: 865-872, 2012.

Brown, J. D., Stallknecht, D. E., Berghaus, R. D., Beck, J. R., Leathers, V., Kistler, W., Costa, T., Luttrell, P., and Swayne, D. E. Evaluation of a commercial blocking ELISA as a serologic assay for avian influenza virus in experimentally infected wild avian species. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 16: 824-829, 2009.

Faust, C., Stallknecht, D., and Brown, J. Filter-feeding bivalves can remove avian influenza viruses from water and reduce infectivity. Proceedings of Royal Society B 276: 3727-3735, 2009.

Stallknecht, D.E., and Brown, J. D. Tenacity of Avian Influenza Virus. Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz. 28: 59-67, 2009.

Brown, J. D., Stallknecht, D. E., and Swayne, D. E. Experimental Infection of Swans and Geese with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1) of Asian Lineage. Emerging Infectious Diseases: 136-142, 2008.


Hypertrophic osteopathy in 4 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) with review of the literature.
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigations, Weyna, Alisia, Luley, Erin, Brown, Justin, Neidringhaus, Kevin, Gibbs, Samantha, 2025

Upland Game Birds, Ruder, Mark, Brown, Justin, 2025

Survey for Babesia spp. in wildlife in the eastern United States
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, Baker, Eliza, Dennis, Michelle, Jensen, Alex, Garrett, Kayla Buck, Cleveland, Christopher A., Yabsley, Michael J., Brown, Justin D., Why, Kyle Van, Gerhold, Richard, 2024

Surveillance of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus in Wild Canids from Pennsylvania, USA
Animals, Niedringhaus, Kevin D., Chan, Taylor C., McDowell, Ashley, Maxwell, Lauren, Stevens, Madison, Potts, Lane, Miller, Erica, Anis, Eman, Why, Kyle Van, Keller, Thomas, Stallknecht, David, Poulson, Rebecca L., Bahrs, Kaitlyn, Brown, Justin D., 2024

Journal of Parasitology, Dubey, J. P., de Araujo, L. S., Gupta, A., Thompson, P., Ankrah, A., Battle, J., Van Why, K., Brown, J. D., 2024

Trypanosoma cruzi infection in American black bears (Ursus americanus): A case report in a cub from California and serologic survey for exposure in wild black bears from several states
Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, Hughes, Reece, Francisco, Raquel, Garrett, Kayla, Willitts, Kevin, Munk, Brandon, Brown, Justin, Rodriguez, Carlos, von Dohlen, Alexa Rosypal, McCarrall, Sterling, Dennard, T'Keyah K., Champion, Timothy, Brown-Fox, Tracy, Strules, Jennifer, Olfenbuttel, Colleen, DePerno, Christopher, Hamer, Sarah A., Yabsley, Michael J., 2024

Gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) identified as a new intermediate host for Sarcocystis neurona
Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, Dubey, Jitender P., Gupta, Aditya, Calero-Bernal, Rafael, de Araujo, Larissa S., García-Gil, María L., Battle, Jaquin, Ankarah, Ankrah, Van Why, Kyle, Brown, Justin D., Rosenthal, Benjamin M., 2024

Comparison of Butorphanol-Azaperone-Medetomidine and Nalbuphine-Medetomidine-Azaperone in Free-Ranging Elk (Cervus canadensis) in Pennsylvania, USA
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Corondi, Avery M., Brown, Justin D., Banfield, Jeremiah E., Walter, William David, 2024

Malignant Melanoma in a Free-Ranging Piebald Elk (Cervus canadensis) from Pennsylvania
Northeastern Naturalist, Sergiou, Andreas S., Banfield, Jeremiah E., Brown, Holly M., Steimling, Corissa A., Luley, Erin, Hattel, Arthur, Bender, Susan J., Brown, Justin D., 2024

Trichinella murrelli identified in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Pennsylvania, USA
Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, Dubey, Jitender P., Thompson, Peter C., de Araujo, Larissa S., Gupta, Aditya, Kay, Sasha, Kwok, Oliver C.H., Battle, Jaquin, Van Why, Kyle, Brown, Justin D., Rosenthal, Benjamin M., 2024

Trichinella murrelli Pozio and La Rosa, 2000 in a Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) from Pennsylvania: A New Host Record for This Zoonotic Nematode
Journal of Parasitology, Thompson, P. C., Araujo, L. S.de, Gupta, A., Kay, S., Kwok, O. C.H., Battle, J., Van Why, K., Brown, J. D., Rosenthal, B. M., Dubey, J. P., 2024

Antibodies to Influenza A(H5N1) Virus in Hunting Dogs Retrieving Wild Fowl, Washington, USA
Emerging Infectious Diseases, Brown, Justin D., Black, Adam, Haman, Katherine H., Diel, Diego G., Ramirez, Vickie E., Ziejka, Rachel S., Fenelon, Hannah T., Rabinowitz, Peter M., Stevens, Lila, Poulson, Rebecca, Stallknecht, David E., 2024

Rapid Point-Of-Care Testing for Detection of Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in Black Vultures and Ring-Billed Gulls from Pennsylvania
Journal of Parasitology, Von Dohlen, Alexa Rosypal, Randall, Sydney, Grays, Jordyan, Dugo, Mark A., Hunt, Brian J., Brown, Justin, Van Why, Kyle, Ammar, Sawsan, Gerhold, Richard, 2024

Toxoplasma gondii Survey in Waterfowl and Gulls from Eight USA States
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Ammar, Sawsan, Dawant, Tania J., Kelly, Janetta, Hickling, Graham, Brown, Justin, Van Why, Kyle, Poulson, Rebecca, Su, Chunlei, Gerhold, Richard, 2024

Otterly diverse - A high diversity of Dracunculus species (Spirurida: Dracunculoidea) in North American river otters (Lontra canadensis)
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, Yabsley, Michael J., Garrett, Kayla B., Thompson, Alec T., Box, Erin K., Giner, Madeline R., Haynes, Ellen, Barron, Heather, Schneider, Renata M., Coker, Sarah M., Beasley, James C., Borchert, Ernest J., Tumlison, Renn, Surf, Allison, Dukes, Casey G., Olfenbuttel, Colleen, Brown, Justin D., Swanepoel, Liandrie, Cleveland, Christopher A., 2024

A comprehensive epidemiological approach documenting an outbreak of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus clade among gulls, terns, and harbor seals in the Northeastern Pacific
Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Haman, Katherine H., Pearson, Scott F., Brown, Justin, Frisbie, Lauren A., Penhallegon, Sara, Falghoush, Azeza M., Wolking, Rebecca M., Torrevillas, Brandi K., Taylor, Kyle R., Snekvik, Kevin R., Tanedo, Sarah A., Keren, Ilai N., Ashley, Elizabeth A., Clark, Casey T., Lambourn, Dyanna M., Eckstrand, Chrissy D., Edmonds, Steven E., Rovani-Rhoades, Emma R., Oltean, Hanna, Wilkinson, Kristin, Fauquier, Deborah, Black, Allison, Waltzek, Thomas B., 2024

Diversity of Babesia spp. in skunks from selected states in the United States of America
Parasite, Garrett, Kayla B., Brown, Justin, Gabriel, Mourad, Dowler, Robert, Perkins, J. Clint, Krejsa, Dianna, Yabsley, Michael J., 2024

Prevalence and diversity of Babesia spp. in wildlife in the eastern United States.
International Journal of Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, Baker, Eliza, Dennis, Michelle, Jensen, Alex, Garrett, Kayla, Cleveland, Christopher, Yabsley, Michael, Brown, Justin, Van Why, Kyle, Gerhold, Richard, 2024

Patterns of estimated prevalence of bot fly larvae in harvested squirrels in Pennsylvania.
Northeast Naturalist, Johnson, Joshua, Boyd, Emily, Weaver, Melanie, Brown, Justin, 2024

Resolution of Clinical Signs of Sarcoptic Mange in American Black Bears (Ursus americanus), in Ivermectin-Treated and Nontreated Individuals
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Tiffin, Hannah, Brown, Justin D., Ternent, Mark, Snavely, Brandon, Carrollo, Emily, Kibe, Ethan, Buderman, Frances E., Mullinax, Jennifer Koehl, Machtinger, Erika T., 2024

Hepatozoon spp. infection in wild canids in the eastern United States
Parasites and Vectors, Baker, Eliza, Jensen, Alex, Miller, Debra, Garrett, Kayla Buck, Cleveland, Christopher A., Brown, Justin, Van Why, Kyle, Gerhold, Richard, 2023

Little Brown Bats (Myotis lucifugus) Support the Binding of SARS-CoV-2 Spike and Are Likely Susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Viruses, Chothe, Shubhada K., Jakka, Padmaja, Boorla, Veda Sheersh, Ramasamy, Santhamani, Gontu, Abhinay, Nissly, Ruth H., Brown, Justin, Turner, Gregory, Sewall, Brent J., Reeder, Dee Ann M., Field, Kenneth A., Engiles, Julie B., Amirthalingam, Saranya, Ravichandran, Abirami, LaBella, Lindsey, Nair, Meera Surendran, Maranas, Costas D., Kuchipudi, Suresh V., 2023

Journal of Parasitology, Strules, Jennifer, Dawant, Tania, Riese, Katie, Gerhold, Richard, Brown, Justin, Olfenbuttel, Colleen, DePerno, Christopher S., Hunt, Brian J., von Dohlen, Alexa Rosypal, 2023

Echinococcus Species Infections among Wild Canids in Pennsylvania, USA
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Garrett, Kayla, Brown, Justin, Grunert, Ryan K.A., Hunte, Jonathan, Ruder, Mark G., Van Why, Kyle, Yabsley, Michael J., Cleveland, Christopher A., 2023

Comparison of Pathology and Immunohistochemistry in Natural and Experimental West Nile Virus Infections in Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus)
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Kunkel, Melanie R., Brown, Justin D., Williams, Lisa, Niedringhaus, Kevin D., Fenton, Heather, Ruder, Mark G., Nemeth, Nicole M., 2022

Unrecognized diversity of mammalian orthoreoviruses in North American bats
Virology, Feng, Kurtis H., Brown, Justin D., Turner, Gregory G., Holmes, Edward C., Allison, Andrew B., 2022

Active and passive disease surveillance in wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) from 2008 to 2018 in Pennsylvania, USA
Wildlife Society Bulletin, MacDonald, Amanda M., Johnson, Joshua B., Casalena, Mary Jo, Nemeth, Nicole M., Kunkel, Melanie, Blake, Mitchell, Brown, Justin D., 2022

Fatal infection with Versteria sp. in a muskrat, with implications for human health
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, Niedringhaus, Kevin D., Ganoe, Laken S., Lovallo, Matthew, Walter, W. David, Yabsley, Michael J., Brown, Justin D., 2022

High Prevalence of Antibodies against Canine Parvovirus and Canine Distemper Virus among Coyotes and Foxes from Pennsylvania: Implications for the Intersection of Companion Animals and Wildlife
Microbiology spectrum, Kimpston, Caellaigh, Hatke, Amanda, Castelli, Benjamin, Otto, Nathan, Tiffin, Hannah, Machtinger, Erika, Brown, Justin D., Van Why, Kyle, Marconi, Richard, 2022

Lymphoproliferative Diseases and Other Tumorigenic Viral Diseases, Brown, Justin, 2022

Bad behavior (brain abscesses), Brown, Justin, Fleegle, JT, 2022

What the heck is that – the role of public reporting in wildlife diseases, Brown, Justin, Fleegle, JT, 2022

Immersive learning technology at Penn State, Brown, Justin, 2022

Comparison of sample types from white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) for DNA extraction and analyses
Scientific Reports, Edson, Jessie, Brown, Justin, Miller, William L., Walter, W. David, 2021

Surveillance for diseases, pathogens, and toxicants of muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus) in Pennsylvania and surrounding regions
PLoS One, Ganoe, Laken S., Brown, Justin D., Lovallo, Matthew J., Yabsley, Michael J., Garrett, Kayla B., Thompson, Alec T., Poppenga, Robert H., Ruder, Mark G., Walter, W. David, 2021

Characterization of Avian Pox in a Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus) from Pennsylvania
Avian Diseases, Robinson, Corissa A., Dunn, Patricia A., Williams, Lisa M., Poulson, Rebecca L., Miller, Erica A., Brown, Holly M., Brown, Justin D., 2021

Toxoplasma gondii prevalence in carnivorous wild birds in the eastern United States
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, Ammar, Sawsan, Wood, Liberty, Su, Chunlei, Spriggs, Maria, Brown, Justin, Van Why, Kyle, Gerhold, Richard, 2021

Chorioptic mange in an American black bear (Ursus americanus) from Massachusetts, USA
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Niedringhaus, Kevin D., Brown, Justin D., Murray, Maureen, Oliveira, Bruno C.M., Yabsley, Michael J., 2021

Ecology of an Isolated Muskrat Population during Regional Population Declines
Northeastern Naturalist, Ganoe, Laken S., Lovallo, Matthew J., Brown, Justin D., Walter, W. David, 2021

West nile virus infection in ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) in pennsylvania, usa: A multi-year comparison of statewide serosurveys and vector indices
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Nemeth, Nicole M., Williams, Lisa M., Bosco-Lauth, Angela M., Oesterle, Paul T., Helwig, Matt, Bowen, Richard A., Brown, Justin D., 2021

Surveillance for babesia odocoilei in hunter-harvested wild-elk (Cervus elaphus canadensis) from Pennsylvania, USA (2016–2017)
Veterinary Sciences, Calvente, Elizabeth Jean, Steber, Clay, Brown, Justin, Brown, Holly, Banfield, Jeremiah, Chinnici, Nicole, 2021

Prevalence of winter ticks (Dermacentor albipictus) in hunter-harvested wild elk (cervus canadensis) from pennsylvania, USA (2017–2018)
Veterinary Sciences, Calvente, Elizabeth, Pelletier, Samantha, Banfield, Jeremiah, Brown, Justin, Chinnici, Nicole, 2020

A tissue digestion protocol for measuring Sarcoptes scabiei (astigmata: Sarcoptidae) density in skin biopsies
Journal of Insect Science, Tiffin, Hannah S., Cockerill, Robert, Brown, Justin D., Machtinger, Erika T., 2020

Granulomatous Inflammation of the Muzzle in White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) Associated With Mannheimia granulomatis
Pathologia veterinaria, Keel, M. Kevin, Keeler, Shamus, Brown, Justin, Fenton, Heather, Munk, Brandon, Gerhold, Rick, Gottdenker, Nicole, Ruder, Mark, Elsmo, Elizabeth, Nemeth, Nicole, 2020

Surveillance for Borrelia spp. in upland game birds in Pennsylvania, USA
Veterinary Sciences, Cleveland, Christopher A., Swanepoel, Liandrie, Brown, Justin D., Casalena, Mary Jo, Williams, Lisa, Yabsley, Michael J., 2020

Surveillance for Heterakis spp. in Game Birds and Cage-Free, Floor-Raised Poultry in Pennsylvania
Avian Diseases, Greenawalt, Denver, Yabsley, Michael J., Williams, Lisa, Casalena, Mary Jo, Boyd, Robert, Debelak, Erin, Wildlicka, Hanna, Phillips, Edward, Wallner-Pendleton, Eva, Dunn, Patricia, Brown, Justin, 2020

A Review of Pathogens, Diseases, and Contaminants of Muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) in North America
Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Ganoe, Laken S., Brown, Justin D., Yabsley, Michael J., Lovallo, Matthew J., Walter, W. David, 2020

Serology as a tool to investigate sarcoptic mange in american black bears (Ursus Americanus)
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Niedringhaus, Kevin D., Brown, Justin D., Ternent, Mark, Peltier, Sarah K., van Wick, Peach, Yabsley, Michael J., 2020

A baylisascaris outbreak in fox squirrels (Sciurus niger) and subsequent detection of francisella tularensis in Kansas, USA
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Vincent, Emily C., Ruder, Mark G., Yabsley, Michael J., Hesting, Vincent S., Keel, M. Kevin, Brown, Justin D., Nemeth, Nicole M., 2020

Conducting influenza virus pathogenesis studies in avian species, Cardona, Carol J., Halvorson, David A., Hall, Jeffrey, Pantin-Jackwood, Mary J., Brown, Justin D., 2020

Wild bird surveillance for avian influenza virus, Poulson, Rebecca L., Brown, Justin D., 2020

Limited detection of antibodies to clade a/Goose/Guangdong/1/1996 lineage highly pathogenic h5 avian influenza virus in North American waterfowl
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Stallknecht, David E., Kienzle-Dean, Clara, Davis-Fields, Nick, Jennelle, Christopher S., Bowman, Andrew S., Nolting, Jacqueline M., Boyce, Walter M., Crum, James M., Santos, Jefferson J.S., Brown, Justin D., Prosser, Diann J., De La Cruz, Susan E.W., Ackerman, Joshua T., Casazza, Michael L., Krauss, Scott, Perez, Daniel R., Ramey, Andrew M., Poulson, Rebecca L., 2020

Two unprecedented auk wrecks in the northwest Atlantic in winter 2012/13
Marine Ornithology, Diamond, Antony W., McNair, Douglas B., Ellis, Julie C., Rail, Jean François, Whidden, Erin S., Kratter, Andrew W., Courchesne, Sarah J., Pokras, Mark A., Wilhelm, Sabina I., Kress, Stephen W., Farnsworth, Andrew, Iliff, Marshall J., Jennings, Samuel H., Brown, Justin D., Ballard, Jennifer R., Schweitzer, Sara H., Okoniewski, Joseph C., Gallegos, John B., Stanton, John D., 2020

Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, Mee, Natalie C., Murphy, Lisa, Brown, Justin, Fisher, Jennifer, Fisher, J, Brooks, Jason, Ternent, Mark, Brooks, J, 2020

Preliminary results (Fall 2018 and Spring 2019), a survey for West Nile virus exposure in ruffed grouse and wild turkey populations in Eastern Canada, MacDonald, AM, Splawinski, TB, Brown, Justin, Nemeth, NM, Kunkel, M, Thomas, PJ, 2020

High Seroprevalence but Low Rate of Isolation of Toxoplasma gondii from Wild Elk (Cervus Canadensis) in Pennsylvania
Journal of Parasitology, Kolören, Z., Cerqueira-Cézar, C. K., Murata, F. H.A., Kwok, O. C.H., Banfield, J. E., Brown, J. D., Su, C., Dubey, J. P., 2019

Multicentric Round Cell Neoplasms and Their Viral Associations in Wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) in the Southeastern United States
Pathologia veterinaria, Niedringhaus, Kevin D., Nemeth, Nicole M., Sellers, Holly S., Brown, Justin D., Fenton, Heather M.A., 2019

Assessment of a commercially available serum pregnancy-specific protein B test in free-ranging elk (Cervus canadensis) in Pennsylvania, USA
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Seixas, J, Jayarao, Bhushan, Banfield, J, Johnson, J, Brown, Justin D., 2019

Effects of temperature on the survival of Sarcoptes scabiei of black bear (Ursus americanus) origin
Parasitology Research, Niedringhaus, Kevin D., Brown, Justin D., Ternent, Mark A., Peltier, Sarah K., Yabsley, Michael J., 2019

Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of avipoxviruses from North American wild birds demonstrates new insights into host specificity and interspecies transmission
Avian Diseases, Macdonald, Amanda M., Gibson, Daniel J., Barta, John R., Poulson, Rebecca, Brown, Justin D., Allison, Andrew B., Nemeth, Nicole M., 2019

A review of sarcoptic mange in North American wildlife
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, Niedringhaus, Kevin D., Brown, Justin D., Sweeley, Kellyn M., Yabsley, Michael J., 2019

Prevalence, distribution, and diversity of cryptic piroplasm infections in raccoons from selected areas of the United States and Canada
International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife, Garrett, Kayla B., Hernandez, Sonia M., Balsamo, Gary, Barron, Heather, Beasley, James C., Brown, Justin D., Cloherty, Erin, Farid, Hossain, Gabriel, Mourad, Groves, Bethany, Hamer, Sarah, Hill, Julia, Lewis, Meghan, McManners, Katie, Nemeth, Nicole, Oesterle, Paul, Ortiz, Sebastian, Peshock, Lea, Schnellbacher, Rodney, Schott, Renee, Straif-Bourgeois, Susanne, Yabsley, Michael J., 2019

The emergence and expansion of sarcoptic mange in American black bears (Ursus americanus) in the United States
Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, Niedringhaus, Kevin D., Brown, Justin D., Ternent, Mark, Childress, Will, Gettings, Jenna R., Yabsley, Michael J., 2019

Isolation and Genetic Characterization of Toxoplasma gondii from Tissues of Wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) in Pennsylvania
Journal of Parasitology, Cerqueira-Cézar, Camila K., Da Silva, Andressa F., Murata, Fernando H.A., Sadler, Meghan, Abbas, Ibrahim E., Kwok, Oliver C.H., Brown, Justin D., Casalena, Mary Jo, Blake, Mitchell R., Su, Chunlei, Dubey, J. P., 2019

Trichomonosis due to Trichomonas gallinae infection in barn owls (Tyto alba) and barred owls (Strix varia) from the eastern United States
Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, Niedringhaus, Kevin D., Burchfield, Holly J., Elsmo, Elizabeth J., Cleveland, Christopher A., Fenton, Heather, Shock, Barbara C., Muise, Charlie, Brown, Justin D., Munk, Brandon, Ellis, Angela, Hall, Richard J., Yabsley, Michael J., 2019

A serosurvey of multiple pathogens in American black bears (Ursus americanus) in Pennsylvania, USA Indicates a Lack of Association with sarcoptic mange
Veterinary Sciences, Niedringhaus, Kevin D., Brown, Justin D., Ternent, Mark A., Cleveland, Christopher A., Yabsley, Michael J., 2019

Surveillance and management considerations for mange in black bears, Niedringhaus, KD, Ternent, M, Brown, Justin, 2019

Prevalence and genetic characterization of Dirofilaria lutrae Orihle, 1965 in North American river otters (Lontra canadensis)
Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports, Swanepoel, Liandrie, Cleveland, Christopher A., Olfenbuttel, Colleen, Dukes, Casey G., Brown, Dalton, Brown, Justin D., Surf, Allison, Tumlison, Renn, Yabsley, Michael J., 2018

Multistate infestation with the exotic disease–vector tick haemaphysalis longicornis — United States, August 2017–September 2018
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Beard, C. Ben, Occi, James, Bonilla, Denise L., Egizi, Andrea M., Fonseca, Dina M., Mertins, James W., Backenson, Bryon P., Bajwa, Waheed I., Barbarin, Alexis M., Bertone, Matthew A., Brown, Justin, Connally, Neeta P., Connell, Nancy D., Eisen, Rebecca J., Falco, Richard C., James, Angela M., Krell, Rayda K., Lahmers, Kevin, Lewis, Nicole, Little, Susan E., Neault, Michael, de León, Adalberto A.Pérez, Randall, Adam R., Ruder, Mark G., Saleh, Meriam N., Schappach, Brittany L., Schroeder, Betsy A., Seraphin, Leslie L., Wehtje, Morgan, Wormser, Gary P., Yabsley, Michael J., Halperin, William, 2018

Histopathological, morphological, and molecular characterization of Sarcocystis species in elk (Cervus elaphus) from Pennsylvania, USA
Parasitology Research, Cerqueira-Cézar, Camila K., Thompson, Peter C., Murata, Fernando H.A., Mowery, Joseph, Brown, Justin D., Banfield, Jeremy, Rosenthal, Benjamin M., Dubey, Jitender P., 2018

Assays for detection and identification of the causative agent of mange in free-ranging black bears (Ursus Americanus)
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Peltier, Sarah K., Brown, Justin D., Ternent, Mark A., Fenton, Heather, Niedringhaus, Kevin D., Yabsley, Michael J., 2018

Evaluation of Cytology for Diagnosing Avian Pox in Wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo)
Avian Diseases, Hydock, Kira, Brown, Holly, Nemeth, Nicole, Poulson, Rebecca, Casalena, Mary Jo, Johnson, Joshua B., Brown, Justin, 2018

Parasitaemia data and molecular characterization of Haemoproteus catharti from New World vultures (Cathartidae) reveals a novel clade of Haemosporida
Malaria Journal, Yabsley, Michael J., Vanstreels, Ralph E.T., Martinsen, Ellen S., Wickson, Alexandra G., Holland, Amanda E., Hernandez, Sonia M., Thompson, Alec T., Perkins, Susan L., West, Christopher J., Bryan, A. Lawrence, Cleveland, Christopher A., Jolly, Emily, Brown, Justin D., McRuer, Dave, Behmke, Shannon, Beasley, James C., 2018

Ruffed grouse population declines after introduction of West Nile virus
Journal of Wildlife Management, Stauffer, Glenn E., Miller, David A.W., Williams, Lisa M., Brown, Justin, 2018

Lead Toxicity in Bald Eagles Informational Brochure, Brown, Justin, 2018

Mange in Black Bears Informational Brochure, Brown, Justin, 2018

Rabies Disease Informational Brochure, Brown, Justin, 2018

Genetic Characterization of Sarcoptes scabiei from Black Bears (Ursus americanus) and Other Hosts in the Eastern United States
Journal of Parasitology, Peltier, Sarah K., Brown, Justin D., Ternent, Mark, Niedringhaus, Kevin D., Schuler, Krysten, Bunting, Elizabeth M., Kirchgessner, Megan, Yabsley, Michael J., 2017

Detection of Wellfleet bay virus antibodies in sea birds of the northeastern USA
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Ballard, Jennifer R., Mickley, Randall, Brown, Justin D., Hill, Nichola J., Runstadler, Jonathan A., Clark, Daniel E., Ellis, Julie C., Mead, Daniel G., Fischer, John R., 2017

Isolation of viable Toxoplasma gondii, molecular characterization, and seroprevalence in elk (Cervus canadensis) in Pennsylvania, USA
Veterinary Parasitology, Dubey, J. P., Brown, J., Verma, S. K., Cerqueira-Cézar, C. K., Banfield, J., Kwok, O. C.H., Ying, Y., Murata, F. H.A., Pradhan, A. K., Su, C., 2017

Competition between influenza A virus subtypes through heterosubtypic immunity modulates re-infection and antibody dynamics in the mallard duck
PLoS Pathogens, Latorre-Margalef, Neus, Brown, Justin D., Fojtik, Alinde, Poulson, Rebecca L., Carter, Deborah, Franca, Monique, Stallknecht, David E., 2017

Competitive interactions driving influenza A virus re-infection dynamics and antibody profiles
PLoS Pathogens, Latorre-Margalef, N, Brown, Justin, Fojtik, A, Poulson, RL, Carter, D, Franca, M, Stallknecht, DE, 2017

West Nile Virus Infection in Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus): Experimental Infection and Protective Effects of Vaccination
Pathologia veterinaria, Nemeth, Nicole M., Bosco-Lauth, Angela M., Williams, Lisa M., Bowen, Richard A., Brown, Justin, 2017

Avian and human influenza virus compatible sialic acid receptors in little brown bats
Scientific Reports, Chothe, S, Bhushan, G, Nissly, R, Yeh, Yin Ting, Brown, Justin, Turner, G, Fisher, J, Terrones, M, Sewall, B, Reeder, D, Jayarao, B, Kuchipudi, SV, Terrones, Mauricio, Terrones Maldonado, M, Jayarao, Bhushan, Kuchipudi, Suresh V., 2017

Chronic Wasting Disease Informational Brochure, Brown, Justin, 2017

A retrospective study of causes of skin lesions in wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) in the Eastern USA, 1975–2013
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Elsmo, Elizabeth J., Allison, Andrew B., Brown, Justin D., 2016

Mortality of selected avian orders submitted to a wildlife diagnostic laboratory (Southeastern cooperative wildlife disease study, USA): A 36-year retrospective analysis
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, González-Astudillo, Viviana, Hernandez, Sonia M., Yabsley, Michael J., Mead, Daniel G., Keel, Kevin M., Munk, Brandon A., Fischer, John R., Ruder, Mark G., Brown, Justin D., Peters, Valerie E., Nemeth, Nicole M., 2016

Optimizing Surveillance for South American Origin Influenza A Viruses Along the United States Gulf Coast Through Genomic Characterization of Isolates from Blue-winged Teal (Anas discors)
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, Ramey, A. M., Walther, P., Link, P., Poulson, R. L., Wilcox, B. R., Newsome, G., Spackman, E., Brown, J. D., Stallknecht, D. E., 2016

Surveillance for pasteurella multocida in ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) after an outbreak of avian cholera and apparently successful antibiotic treatment
Avian Diseases, Brown, Justin D., Dunn, Patricia, Wallner-Pendleton, Eva, Kariyawasam, Subhashinie, Schriner, Timothy, Hofacre, Charles, Johnson, Joshua, Boyd, Robert, 2016

Environmental stability of swine and human pandemic influenza viruses in water under variable conditions of temperature, salinity, and pH
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Poulson, R. L., Tompkins, S. M., Berghaus, R. D., Brown, J. D., Stallknecht, D. E., 2016

Seroepidemiologic study on the prevalence of Toxoplasma gondii and Trichinella spp. infections in black bears (Ursus americanus) in Pennsylvania, USA
Veterinary Parasitology, Dubey, Jitender P., Brown, Justin, Ternent, Mark, Verma, Shiv K., Hill, Dolores E., Cerqueira-Cézar, Camila K., Kwok, Oliver C.H., Calero-Bernal, Rafael, Humphreys, Jan G., 2016

Wild bird infection and the ecology of avian influenza virus, Stallknecht, DE, Brown, Justin, 2016

A review of dermatologic diseases in wild turkeys in the eastern United States from 1975-2013
Journal of Wildlife Diseases, Elsmo, EJ, Allison, AB, Brown, Justin, 2016

Investigating the impacts of West Nile virus on ruffed grouse in Pennsylvania, Brown, Justin, Williams, L, 2016

Avian influenza ecology in north atlantic sea ducks: Not all ducks are created equal
PLoS One, Hall, Jeffrey S., Russell, Robin E., Franson, J. Christian, Soos, Catherine, Dusek, Robert J., Allen, R. Bradford, Nashold, Sean W., TeSlaa, Joshua L., Jonsson, Jon Einar, Ballard, Jennifer R., Harms, Naomi Jane, Brown, Justin D., 2015

The dynamics of avian influenza in Lesser Snow Geese: Implications for annual and migratory infection patterns
Ecological Applications, Samuel, Michael D., Hall, Jeffrey S., Brown, Justin D., Goldberg, Diana R., Ip, Hon, Baranyuk, Vasily V., 2015

Experimental infection of holstein cows and calves with EHDV-7 and preliminary evaluation of different inoculation methods
Veterinaria italiana, Ruder, Mark G., Mead, Daniel G., Stallknecht, David E., Kedmi, Maor, Klement, Eyal, Brown, Justin D., Carter, Deborah L., Howerth, Elizabeth W., 2015

Molecular surveillance for lymphoproliferative disease virus in wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) from the eastern United States
PLoS One, Thomas, Jesse M., Allison, Andrew B., Holmes, Edward C., Phillips, Jamie E., Bunting, Elizabeth M., Yabsley, Michael J., Brown, Justin D., 2015

H7N9 influenza A virus in turkeys in Minnesota
Journal of General Virology, Lebarbenchon, Camille, Pedersen, Janice C., Sreevatsan, Srinand, Ramey, Andrew M., Dugan, Vivien G., Halpin, Rebecca A., Ferro, Pamela J., Lupiani, Blanca, Enomoto, Shinichiro, Poulson, Rebecca L., Smeltzer, Martin, Cardona, Carol J., Mark Tompkins, S., Wentworth, David E., Stallknecht, David E., Brown, Justin D., 2015

Cyclic avian mass mortality in the northeastern United States is associated with a novel orthomyxovirus
Journal of Virology, Allison, Andrew B., Ballard, Jennifer R., Tesh, Robert B., Brown, Justin D., Ruder, Mark G., Keel, M. Kevin, Munk, Brandon A., Mickley, Randall M., Gibbs, Samantha E.J., Travassos da Rosa, Amelia P.A., Ellis, Julie C., Ip, Hon S., Shearn-Bochsler, Valerie I., Rogers, Matthew B., Ghedin, Elodie, Holmes, Edward C., Parrish, Colin R., Dwyer, Chris, 2015

Understanding the new normal: wild turkeys in a changing northeastern landscape
Proceedings of the 11th National Wild Turkey Symposium, Casalena, MJ, Schiavone, MV, Bowling, AC, Gregg, ID, Brown, Justin, 2015

Experimental Infection of Holstein cows and calves with EHDV-7 and preliminary evaluation of different inoculation methods
Veterinaria Italiana, Ruder, MG, Mead, DG, Stallknecht, DE, Kedmil, M, Klement, E, Brown, Justin, Carter, DL, Howerth, EW, 2015

Snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus) morbidity and mortality investigations in the DOS region in the winters of 2013-2014 and 2014-2015
Delmarva Ornithologist, Miller, EA, Driscoll, CP, Davison, S, Murphy, L, Bronson, E, Wack, A, Rivas, A, Brown, Justin, 2015

What’s your diagnosis (Abdominal hernia)?, Brown, Justin, Fleegle, JT, 2015

The good, the bad, and the ugly truth: An update on HPAI H5 in wild ducks, Brown, Justin, Stallknecht, DE, 2015

Understanding the ecology and epidemiology of mange in Pennsylvania black bears, Brown, Justin, Peltier, SK, Yabsley, MJ, Ternent, M, 2015