Todd A. Jackson, DVM, DACLAM

Todd A. Jackson, DVM, DACLAM

  • Director of the Animal Resource Program
  • Research Professor - Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
101 Centralized Biological Laboratory
University Park, PA 16802

Areas of Expertise

  • Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine


  • Purdue University School of Science, 1984-1986.
  • DVM, Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine, 1986-1990.
  • Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Michigan Medical School, 1993-1996.

Dr. Jackson is a Research Professor and the Director of Penn State’s Animal Resource Program.  He is originally from Indiana where he raised and showed beef cattle in 4-H.  He earned his veterinary degree at Purdue University and worked as a private, mixed animal practitioner with 2 rural veterinary practices in southern Indiana.  He went on to train in laboratory animal and comparative medicine at the University of Michigan’s Medical School, and became a board-certified specialist in laboratory animal medicine in 1997.  Prior to joining Penn State, he served as the Director and Attending Veterinarian for animal care programs at the University of Cincinnati, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, and Oklahoma State University. 

Dr. Jackson taught comparative medicine to veterinary technology students at the University of Cincinnati.  At Oklahoma State, he served on the admissions committee for the veterinary school and taught and the disaster medicine and laboratory animal medicine courses for veterinary students.  He has served on AAALAC International’s Council on Accreditation and still leads site visits as a Council Member Emeritus. He is an active member and has served on multiple committees with the American Society of Laboratory Animal Practitioners, the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine, the American Veterinary Medical Association, and the Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association.