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Kay, C.D., Gebauer, S.K., West, S.G., and Kris-­‐Etherton, P.M. (2010). Pistachios increase serum antioxidants and lower serum oxidized-­‐LDL in hypercholesterolemic adults. J Nutr 140, 1093-­‐98.

Lee, Y., and Vanden Heuvel, J.P. (2010). Inhibition of macrophage adhesion activity by 9trans,11trans-­‐conjugated linoleic acid. J Nutr Biochem 21, 490-­‐97.

Skulas-­‐Ray, A.C., Kris-­‐Etherton, P.M., Harris, W.S., Vanden Heuvel, J.P., Wagner, P.R., and West, S.G. (2010). Dose-­ response effects of omega-­3 fatty acids on triglycerides, inflammation, and endothelial function in healthy persons with moderate hypertriglyceridemia. Am J Clin Nutr , 93(2): 243-­‐ 252. PMID: 21159789 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Lee, Y., Thompson, J.T., and Vanden Heuvel, J.P. (2009). 9E,11E-­‐Conjugated Linoleic Acid Increases Expression of the Endogenous Antiinflammatory Factor, Interleukin-­‐1 Receptor Antagonist, in RAW 264.7 Cells. J Nutr 139, 1861-­‐66.

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Vanden Heuvel, J.P. (2009). Cardiovascular Disease-­‐related Genes and Regulation by Diet. Curr Atheroscler Rep 11, 448-­‐455.

Velliquette, R.A., Gillies, P.J., Kris-­‐Etherton, P.M., Green, J.W., Zhao, G., and Vanden Heuvel, J.P. (2009). Regulation of human stearoyl-­‐CoA desaturase by omega-­‐3 and omega-­‐ 6 fatty acids: Implications for the dietary management of elevated serum triglycerides. J Clin Lipidol 3, 281-­‐88.

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Spaccarotella, K.J., Kris-­‐Etherton, P.M., Stone, W.L., Bagshaw, D.M., Fishell, V.K., West, S.G., Lawrence, F.R., and Hartman, T.J. (2008). The effect of walnut intake on factors related to prostate and vascular health in older men. Nutr J 7, 13.

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Zhao, G., Etherton, T.D., Martin, K.R., Gillies, P.J., West, S.G., and Kris-­‐Etherton, P.M. (2007). Dietary alpha-­‐linolenic acid inhibits proinflammatory cytokine production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells in hypercholesterolemic subjects. Am J Clin Nutr 85, 385-­‐391.


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West, S.G., Hecker, K.D., Mustad, V.A., Nicholson, S., Schoemer, S.L., Wagner, P., Hinderliter, A.L., Ulbrecht, J., Ruey, P., and Kris-­‐Etherton, P.M. (2005). Acute effects of monounsaturated fatty acids with and without omega-­‐3 fatty acids on vascular reactivity in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Diabetologia 48, 113-­‐122.

Yu-­‐Poth, S., Yin, D., Kris-­‐Etherton, P.M., Zhao, G., and Etherton, T.D. (2005). Long-­‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acids upregulate LDL receptor protein expression in fibroblasts and HepG2 cells. J Nutr 135, 2541-­‐45.

Zhao, G., Etherton, T.D., Martin, K.R., Vanden Heuvel, J.P., Gillies, P.J., West, S.G., and Kris-­‐Etherton, P.M. (2005). Anti-­‐ inflammatory effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids in THP-­‐ 1 cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 336, 909-­‐917. PMID: 16169525 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


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The PSU Center for Nutrigenomics was a major player in the development of the Summer Symposia Series in Molecular Biology. The 28th Summer Symposium in Molecular Biology, "Genes, Nutrition, and Physical Activity: Understanding Obesity from Conception and Beyond.", was held August 11-14, 2009 at Penn State's University Park Campus.